前一阵忙着看通信原理,近来各科都陆续结课,又接连有这么几科让写个什么论文,忙忙碌碌之后发现lisp就没怎么看了,以致于这一章都看快一星期了还没看完。不过回头多看几次后,因为对游戏要生成个什么样的game tree有了整体上的把握,理解起来简单多了。所以奉劝其它读者先搞清楚要生成个什么样的game tree和作者的设计方案,再来看后面的代码部分。
##Dice of Doom
- 两个玩家占据着六边形阵列上的各个六边形。每个六边形都有一些立方体骰子,被两个玩家分别占有。
- 在一个回合内,玩家可以执行任意数目的移动,但至少移动一次。如果他不能移动那么他就输了。
- 移动包括攻击邻近的对方六边形。玩家发动攻击的六边形必须比要攻击的对方的六边形拥有更多骰子。将来可能我们会真的“转动”这些骰子。
- 攻击结束后,输者在被攻击六边形的骰子被移除,发动攻击的六边形留下一个骰子,将其它所有骰子移到占领的新地方。
- 当玩家完成他所有的移动,将获得他消灭的骰子总数减一的增援。增援从左上角开始给每个己方六角形增加一个骰子。若达到每个六边形的最大骰子数则跳过。
- 如果玩家都不能移动,游戏结束,占据最多六边形的玩家获胜。
1 | ;;Defining Some Global Variables ;玩家数二 (defparameter *num-players* 2) ;一个六边形最多3个骰子 (defparameter *max-dice* 3) (defparameter *board-size* 2) ;2x2的board (defparameter *board-hexnum* (* *board-size* *board-size*)) ;clean ;将list转化为array,为今后优化做准备 (defun board-array (lst) (make-array *board-hexnum* :initial-contents lst)) ;dirty ;生成随机的玩家分布和力量 (defun gen-board () (board-array (loop for n below *board-hexnum* collect (list (random *num-players*) (1+ (random *max-dice*)))))) ;clean ;将玩家名由数字转换成字母 (defun player-letter (n) (code-char (+ 97 n))) ;dirty ;通过两层循环控制输出,绘制board (defun draw-board (board) (loop for y below *board-size* do (progn (fresh-line) (loop repeat (- *board-size* y) do (princ " ")) (loop for x below *board-size* for hex = (aref board (+ x (* *board-size* y))) do (format t "~a-~a " (player-letter (first hex)) (second hex)))))) ;;;Decoupling Dice of Doom’s Rules from the Rest of the Game ;;Generating a Game Tree ;clean ;产生一个game-tree,形如(player board (moves)) (defun game-tree (board player spare-dice first-move) (list player board (add-passing-move board player spare-dice first-move (attacking-moves board player spare-dice)))) ;;Calculating Passing Moves ;clean ;如果是第一次移动则返回原tree的moves,如果不是则添加nil表示 ;无法移动,并递归调用game-tree添加玩家移动树 (defun add-passing-move (board player spare-dice first-move moves) (if first-move moves (cons (list nil (game-tree (add-new-dice board player (1- spare-dice)) (mod (1+ player) *num-players*) 0 t)) moves))) ;clean ;Calculating Attacking Moves ;生成攻击可行的攻击game-tree中的moves (defun attacking-moves (board cur-player spare-dice) (labels ((player (pos) (car (aref board pos))) (dice (pos) (cadr (aref board pos)))) (mapcan (lambda (src) (when (eq (player src) cur-player) (mapcan (lambda (dst) (when (and (not (eq (player dst) cur-player)) (> (dice src) (dice dst))) (list (list (list src dst) (game-tree (board-attack board cur-player src dst (dice src)) cur-player (+ spare-dice (dice dst)) nil))))) (neighbors src)))) (loop for n below *board-hexnum* collect n)))) ;Finding the Neighbors ;clean ;返回邻近的pos列表 (defun neighbors (pos) (let ((up (- pos *board-size*)) (down (+ pos *board-size*))) (loop for p in (append (list up down) (unless (zerop (mod pos *board-size*)) (list (1- up) (1- pos))) (unless (zerop (mod (1+ pos) *board-size*)) (list (1+ pos) (1+ down)))) when (and (>= p 0) (< p *board-hexnum*)) collect p))) ;Attacking ;clean ;生成attack后的board (defun board-attack (board player src dst dice) (board-array (loop for pos;第一个for为位置 for hex across board;数组用across collect (cond ((eq pos src) (list player 1)) ((eq pos dst) (list player (1- dice))) (t hex))))) ;Reinforcements ;clean ;根据spare-dice添加骰子,返回新的board(数组) (defun add-new-dice (board player spare-dice) (labels ((f (lst n) (cond ((null lst) nil) ((zerop n) lst) (t (let ((cur-player (caar lst)) (cur-dice (cadar lst))) (if (and (eq cur-player player) (< cur-dice *max-dice*)) (cons (list cur-player (1+ cur-dice)) (f (cdr lst) (1- n))) (cons (car lst) (f (cdr lst) n)))))))) (board-array (f (coerce board 'list) spare-dice)))) ;;Playing Dice of Doom Against Another Human ;The Main Loop ;dirty ;人人对战主函数 (defun play-vs-human (tree) (print-info tree) (if (caddr tree) (play-vs-human (handle-human tree)) (announce-winner (cadr tree)))) ;Giving Information About the State of the Game ;dirty ;打印当前信息,包括当前玩家和board (defun print-info (tree) (fresh-line) (format t "current player = ~a" (player-letter (car tree))) (draw-board (cadr tree))) ;Handling Input from Human Players ;dirty ;处理人的行动的函数,根据人的输入返回不同move的子树 (defun handle-human (tree) (fresh-line) (princ "choose your move:") (let ((moves (caddr tree))) (loop for move in moves for n from 1 do (let ((action (car move))) (fresh-line) (format t "~a. " n) (if action (format t "~a -> ~a" (car action) (cadr action)) (princ "end turn")))) (fresh-line) (cadr (nth (1- (read)) moves)))) ;Determining the Winner (defun winners (board) (let* ((tally (loop for hex across board collect (car hex))) (totals (mapcar (lambda (player) (cons player (count player tally))) (remove-duplicates tally))) (best (apply #'max (mapcar #'cdr totals)))) (mapcar #'car (remove-if (lambda (x) (not (eq (cdr x) best))) totals)))) |
1 | (play-vs-human (game-tree (gen-board) 0 0 t)) |
要说有什么收获,什么cddrcdar搞得更清楚了,我觉得作者用one two three什么的看起来更方便些。loop for什么for什么的across什么算是开了眼界了。其它,只让我体会到强烈的面向过程风格,作为不能完美计划所有过程的小白我还是继续看c++去比较简单…………