- 点状列表
- pair
- circular list
1 | ;;切换到工作目录 (cd "/home/reverland/Documents/lisp/") ;;;有向图 ;;定义节点及描述 (defparameter *wizard-nodes* '((living-room (you are in the living-room. a wizard is snoring loudly on the couch.)) (garden (you are in a beautiful garden. w ) (attic (you are in the attic. there is a giant welding torch in the corner.))))) ;;定义节点与边 (defparameter *wizard-edges* '((living-room (garden west door) (attic upstairs ladder)) (garden (living-room east door)) (attic (living-room downstairs ladder)))) ;;转换名函数 (defun dot-name (exp) (substitute-if #\_ (complement #'alphanumericp) (prin1-to-string exp))) ;将非字母数字的字符转化为下划线 ;;定义标签长度 (defparameter *max-label-length* 30) ;;处理位置描述 (defun dot-label (exp) (if exp (let ((s (write-to-string exp :pretty nil))); :pretty防止换行或加入tab (if (> (length s) *max-label-length*) (concatenate 'string (subseq s 0 (- *max-label-length* 3)) "...") ;如果标签长度比最长值长,将超长的替换成... s)) ""));strange,why not nil? ;;定义节点和标签函数 (defun nodes->dot (nodes) (mapc (lambda (node);mapc不返回列表 (fresh-line) (princ (dot-name (car node))) (princ "[label=\"") (princ (dot-label node)) (princ "\"];")) nodes)) ;;定义遍历edges中每个元素,再对每个元素进行遍历 (defun edges->dot (edges) (mapc (lambda (node) (mapc (lambda (edge) (fresh-line) (princ (dot-name (car node))) (princ "->") (princ (dot-name (car edge))) (princ "[label=\"") (princ (dot-label (cdr edge))) (princ "\"];")) (cdr node))) edges)) ;;生成dot文件内容 (defun graph->dot (nodes edges) (princ "digraph{") (nodes->dot nodes) (edges->dot edges) (princ "}")) ;;接受一个trunk,得到trunk的输出而非函数的值 ;;to keep this dot->png function as reusable as possible, the graph->dot ;;function isn’t called directly. Instead, we write dot->png to accept a thunk (defun dot->png (fname thunk) (with-open-file (*standard-output*;类比与let fname ;输入到fname文件 :direction :output;keyword symbol即本身,方向输出 :if-exists :supersede);如果存在覆盖 (funcall thunk));nully function (ext:shell (concatenate 'string "dot -Tpng -O " fname))) ;it's an O actually!it's not zero! ;;最后一步 (defun graph->png (fname nodes edges) (dot->png fname (lambda ();relay funcion (graph->dot nodes edges))));which is the trunk,I am not clear. ;;最后执行 (graph->png "" *wizard-nodes* *wizard-edges*) ;;;无方向图 (defun uedges->dot (edges) (maplist (lambda (lst);遍历剩下的元素 (mapc (lambda (edge) (unless (assoc (car edge) (cdr lst));除非以下不再出现这个位置 (fresh-line) (princ (dot-name (caar lst))) (princ "--") (princ (dot-name (car edge))) (princ "[label=\"") (princ (dot-label (cdr edge))) (princ "\"];"))) (cdar lst))) edges)) (defun ugraph->dot (nodes edges) (princ "graph{") (nodes->dot nodes) (uedges->dot edges) (princ "}")) (defun ugraph->png (fname nodes edges) (dot->png fname (lambda () (ugraph->dot nodes edges)))) ;;执行命令 (ugraph->png "" *wizard-nodes* *wizard-edges*) |
- cd(ext)
- substitute-if
- complement
- alphanumericp
- write-to-string
- subseq
- mapc
- maplist
- with-open-file
- funcall