基于web的Dice of Doom游戏
眼看最后两章了,虽然AI那里云山雾罩,然而看到web又精神为之一震,真是看得高潮迭起啊。作者也很给力,直接用html5来编写web应用,把svg直接嵌入到html中。可惜作者用的是firefox3.7 alpha,为了在我的archlinux x86_64的firefox12上运行良好,还是多废了些心机。这章看着很爽。
毋庸置疑,所有游戏界面要用svg画出来,于是我们之前写得 svg库 要派上用场了。什么?已经没有了?那么从该书主页上下载svg.lisp.
当然还有我们的游戏新引擎Dice of Doom v2
1 | (cd "~/Documents/lisp") (load "dice_of_doom_v2") (load "webserver") (load "svg.lisp") |
1 | (defparameter *board-width* 900);面板宽度 (defparameter *board-height* 500);面板高度 (defparameter *board-scale* 64);面板缩放比例 (defparameter *top-offset* 3);两摞起来的骰子相对位移 (defparameter *dice-scale* 40);骰子缩放比例 (defparameter *dot-size* 0.05);骰子上点的大小 |
1 | (defun draw-die-svg (x y col) (labels ((calc-pt (pt) (cons (+ x (* *dice-scale* (car pt))) (+ y (* *dice-scale* (cdr pt))))) (f (pol col) (polygon (mapcar #'calc-pt pol) col))) (f '((0 . -1) (-0.6 . -0.75) (0 . -0.5) (0.6 . -0.75)) (brightness col 40)) (f '((0 . -0.5) (-0.6 . -0.75) (-0.6 . 0) (0 . 0.25)) col) (f '((0 . -0.5) (0.6 . -0.75) (0.6 . 0) (0 . 0.25)) (brightness col -40)) (mapc (lambda (x y) (polygon (mapcar (lambda (xx yy) (calc-pt (cons (+ x (* xx *dot-size*)) (+ y (* yy *dot-size*))))) '(-1 -1 1 1) '(-1 1 1 -1)) '(255 255 255))) '(-0.05 0.125 0.3 -0.3 -0.125 0.05 0.2 0.2 0.45 0.45 -0.45 -0.2) '(-0.875 -0.80 -0.725 -0.775 -0.70 -0.625 -0.35 -0.05 -0.45 -0.15 -0.45 -0.05)))) ;(with-open-file (*standard-output* "die.svg" :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (svg 100 100 (draw-die-svg 50 50 '(255 0 0)))) |
1 | (defun draw-tile-svg (x y pos hex xx yy col chosen-tile) (loop for z below 2 do (polygon (mapcar (lambda (pt) (cons (+ xx (* *board-scale* (car pt))) (+ yy (* *board-scale* (+ (cdr pt) (* (- 1 z) 0.1)))))) '((-1 . -0.2) (0 . -0.5) (1 . -0.2) (1 . 0.2) (0 . 0.5) (-1 . 0.2))) (if (eql pos chosen-tile) (brightness col 100) col))) (loop for z below (second hex) do (draw-die-svg (+ xx (* *dice-scale* 0.3 (if (oddp (+ x y z)) -0.3 0.3))) (- yy (* *dice-scale* z 0.8)) col))) ;(with-open-file (*standard-output* "tile.svg" :direction :output) (svg 300 300 (draw-tile-svg 0 0 0 '(0 3) 100 150 '(255 0 0) nil))) |
1 | ;Draw the Board (defparameter *die-colors* '((255 63 63) (63 63 255))) (defun draw-board-svg (board chosen-tile legal-tiles) (loop for y below *board-size* do (loop for x below *board-size* for pos = (+ x (* *board-size* y)) for hex = (aref board pos) for xx = (* *board-scale* (+ (* 2 x) (- *board-size* y))) for yy = (* *board-scale* (+ (* y 0.7) *top-offset*)) for col = (brightness (nth (first hex) *die-colors*) (* -15 (- *board-size* y))) do (if (member pos legal-tiles) (tag g () (tag a ("xlink:href" (make-game-link pos)) (draw-tile-svg x y pos hex xx yy col chosen-tile))) (draw-tile-svg x y pos hex xx yy col chosen-tile))))) (defun make-game-link (pos) (format nil "/game.html?chosen=~a" pos)) ;(with-open-file (*standard-output* "board.svg" :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (svg *board-width* *board-height* (draw-board-svg (gen-board) nil nil))) |
1 | (defparameter *cur-game-tree* nil);初始化当前游戏树 (defparameter *from-tile* nil);选择的一片面板 (defun dod-request-handler (path header params) (if (equal path "game.html") (progn (princ "HTTP/1.1 200 OK <!doctype html> <html><head></head><body>") (tag center () (princ "Welcome to DICE OF DOOM!") (tag br ()) (let ((chosen (assoc 'chosen params))) (when (or (not *cur-game-tree*) (not chosen)) (setf chosen nil) (web-initialize)) (cond ((lazy-null (caddr *cur-game-tree*)) (web-announce-winner (cadr *cur-game-tree*))) ((zerop (car *cur-game-tree*)) (web-handle-human (when chosen (read-from-string (cdr chosen))))) (t (web-handle-computer)))) (tag br ()) (draw-dod-page *cur-game-tree* *from-tile*)) (princ "</body></html>")) (princ "Sorry... I don't know that page."))) |
1 | (defun web-initialize () (setf *from-tile* nil) (setf *cur-game-tree* (game-tree (gen-board) 0 0 t))) ;宣布胜者web version (defun web-announce-winner (board) (fresh-line) (let ((w (winners board))) (if (> (length w ) 1) (format t "The game is a tie between ~a" (mapcar #'player-letter w)) (format t "The winner is ~a" (player-letter (car w))))) (tag a (href "game.html") (princ " play again"))) ;处理人类玩家 (defun web-handle-human (pos) (cond ((not pos) (princ "Please choose a hex to move from:")) ((eq pos 'pass) (setf *cur-game-tree* (cadr (lazy-car (caddr *cur-game-tree*)))) (princ "Your reinforcements have been placed.") (tag a (href (make-game-link nil)) (princ "continue"))) ((not *from-tile*) (setf *from-tile* pos) (princ "Now choose a destination:")) ((eq pos *from-tile*) (setf *from-tile* nil) (princ "Move cancelled.")) (t (setf *cur-game-tree* (cadr (lazy-find-if (lambda (move) (equal (car move) (list *from-tile* pos))) (caddr *cur-game-tree*)))) (setf *from-tile* nil) (princ "You may now ") (tag a (href (make-game-link 'pass)) (princ "pass")) (princ " or make another move:")))) ;处理计算机玩家 (defun web-handle-computer () (setf *cur-game-tree* (handle-computer *cur-game-tree*)) (princ "The computer has moved. ") (tag script () (princ "window.setTimeout('window.location=\"game.html?chosen=NIL\"',3000)")));javascript,改成3秒了,感觉5秒在我这里太慢了 |
1 | ;caXXXXXXXdr……以后我要用firstsecond改写 (defun draw-dod-page (tree selected-tile) (svg *board-width* ;svg要更改!! *board-height* (draw-board-svg (cadr tree) selected-tile (cons selected-tile;what I add (take-all (if selected-tile (lazy-mapcar (lambda (move) (when (eql (caar move) selected-tile) (cadar move))) (caddr tree)) (lazy-mapcar #'caar (caddr tree)))))))) |
1 | (serve #'dod-request-handler) |